Location of serial number

Serial number is of the format “A1234567890”

Serial Number can also be found under the electronics panel cover
Thanks to our wide range of machines, Techmaflex is able to offer assembly solutions for all your needs.
Techmaflex offers a complete portfolio of machines dedicated to highly demanding markets. We provide integrated products, services and solutions to help non-hydraulic customers optimize their processes and productivity.
Our leading products and solutions have been designed to meet the real world needs of various industries.
The following pictures represent some of the applications our products can cover.
Thanks to our wide range of machines Techmaflex is able to offer solutions for tube stacking, tube reduction, tube assembling, geometrical deformation etc. The following pictures represent some of the tube applications our products can cover. Through our specific range of machines, Techmaflex would like to bring high repeatability, low noise, precise positioning of the tools and high productivity.
Techmaflex has been supplying world class customers in the automotive industry. Our machines have been designed for numerous applications such as: air springs, pulleys, brake hoses etc. Our range of products comprises Eco versions, made for after-market manufacturers, and Pro versions, made for OEM manufacturers.
Techmaflex machines help our customers not only with ferrule crimping for hydraulic hoses but also ferrule marking for applications such as tubes, stainless steel covers etc.
Techmaflex machines cover a wide range of other applications such as slings, fire hoses etc. The following pictures represent some of the tube applications our products can cover.
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